Getting Children to School:
We will be working with Local Education Authority and Schools to ensure we follow the guidance available to secure the safety of drivers and students when they travel on school transport.
Using our home to school transport: The Guidance for 'Dedicated school transport' does not require social distancing. This Means that we will be running our normal services and vehicle capacity.
Boarding a Service: Its important that you arrive at your bus stop 5 minutes before departure. Please wait and queue in an organised manner. When boarding the vehicle from your designated stop please board one passenger at a time and have your bus pass ready to show the driver.
Disembarking a Service: Double Decker-Students from the bottom deck will depart first followed by the top deck starting front to back. Please do not push, be patient and respectful to all students.
Single Decker Coach/Bus- Please depart the vehicle front to back. Please do not push, be patient and respectful to all students
Behaviour: Responsible behaviour when travelling on the school buses is of paramount importance. it is imperative that all students observe the conduct expectations set out by Dons Coaches, Particularly regarding the seating areas assigned to specific year groups. We do ask for students to sit in their year group assigned area where possible.
Incidents on school transport will be dealt with in liaison with Local Education Authority, Schools and Dons Coaches and could include in a verbal reprimand, a letter to parents, a fixed term ban from school transport or a permanent ban from school transport.
We ask for your help in:
Staying in your seat at all times.
Respect your space and those around you.
Do not distract the driver and respect their personal space.
Try to keep touch points down to a minimum.
No food or drink to be consumed on the vehicles.
Food and Drink on Vehicles:
We would Request that food and drink are not consumed on our vehicles at any time.
When an individual develops COVID-19 Symptoms or has a positive test
Pupils should follow public health advise on when to self-isolate and what to do. They should not come into school if they have symptoms, have had a positive test result or other reasons requiring them to stay at home due to the risk of them passing on COVID-19 (for example, they are required to quarantine).
For everyone with symptoms, they should avoid using public transport or home to school transport and, wherever possible, be collected by a member of their family or household.
Thank you for taking the time to read our guidance. If you have any questions then please contact us via our website or give our office a call between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00.